Dear Clients,
During the past week, we have registered a large number of claims on our platform. We have also received a lot of documents outlining the business model of Lyra in 3Kay, which, in our preliminary assessment, is not in accordance with the law. We have initiated an evaluation and classification of the received materials.
The purpose of all our activities is to retrieve our client’s money, so we put special effort into your restitution claims.
The restitution claim is the right of an injured party to be compensated for incurred damages, and it needs to be precise, concrete and substantiated with evidence. To fulfill the legal requirements of the restitution claim and consequently have it accepted by a judge in the case, we are taking the following steps:
A member of our IT department examines each claim and checks the form of the submitted documents. After the examination is completed, all submitted material in regards to a specific claim is stored in our database in accordance with the highest security standards.
After the IT department finishes the initial checks, the claim is then forwarded to our legal department, which controls the validity of the submitted documents. If there are further questions about a specific claim, the client is contacted directly via email.
Zoran Miljakovic
Attorney at law