Poštovani klijenti,
Prošle nedelje sam se konsultovao u Zagrebu u vezi sa krivičnim predmetom EGCM. Nakon analize sa kolegama, odlučili smo da podnesemo krivičnu prijavu Tužilaštvu u Zagrebu kako bismo ubrzali rešavanje ovog slučaja. Tužilaštvu u Celju smo se obratili pisanim zahtevom. Dok čekamo odgovor iz Celja mi ne želimo da više gubimo vreme. Zakon nam dozvoljava da a mi verujemo da će podnošenje krivične prijave u oba tužilaštva ubrzati realizaciju. U zavisnosti od daljeg toka ovog krivičnog predmeta iskoristićemo i druge zakonske mogućnosti za ubrzano rešavanje ovog predmeta.
U prilogu je tekst dela krivične prijave.
Županijskom državnom odvjetništvu
Republike Hrvatske
Kazneni odjel
Savska cesta 41, sprat 4, Zagreb
Na temelju članka 205. (NN 145/13, 70/17) stavka 1. Zakona o kaznenom postupku Republike Hrvatske, odvjetnik oštećenih podnosi KAZNENU PRIJAVU.
Prijavljeno je kazneno djelo prijevare iz člana 236. stavka 2. Kaznenog zakona Republike Hrvatske, uzrokovanjem velike materijalne štete većem broju oštećenih. Počinitelj je nepoznat, ali postoje elektronički dostupni identifikacijski podaci koji su vjerojatno lažni. Ipak, postoje tragovi počinitelja na internetu te određeni komunikacijski i dokazni materijal koji bi se mogao koristiti u istrazi za identifikaciju počinitelja.
Osim krivičnog djela prijevare, počinili su i:
- Produženo kazneno djelo Zlouporabe tržišta kapitala u sučinjiteljstvu iz članka 260. stavka 2., a u vezi s točkama 1. i 2. Kaznenog zakona Hrvatske.
- Produženo kazneno djelo Pranja novca u sučinjiteljstvu iz članka 265. stavka 4. Kaznenog zakona Hrvatske.
Ova kaznena djela predviđena su u svim europskim zakonodavstvima, pa je primjer ekvivalent ovim kaznenim djelima u njemačkom zakonodavstvu:
- Prijevara: “Betrug” (§ 263 StGB)
- Zlouporaba tržišta kapitala: “Marktmanipulation” (§ 38 WpHG)
- Pranje novca: “Geldwäsche” (§ 261 StGB)
Podnosimo prijavu ovom tijelu zbog osnovane sumnje u kazneno djelo velikih razmjera, s velikim brojem žrtava i ekonomskom štetom za iste. Prema načinu izvršenja, vjerojatno se radi o dobro organiziranom počinitelju ili skupini počinitelja koji su se udružili s namjerom da nanose štetu većoj skupini ljudi radi stjecanja protupravne imovinske koristi. Također, ovo djelo ima međunarodni element budući da su počinitelji djelovali na međunarodnoj razini putem modernih internetskih kanala u različitim dijelovima svijeta ili pod različitim jurisdikcijama.
Kaznenu prijavu podnosi advokat u ime oštećenih osoba koje su navedene na spisku u prilogu:
- Spisak žrtava državljana Republike Hrvatske i drugih zemalja, prilog broj 1.
Žrtve su na web stranicama osumnjičenih prihvatile ponudu za zaradu. Web stranice su bile dobro organizirane i izgledale su uvjerljivo, što je navodilo investitore da vjeruju da je trgovanje sigurno, pri čemu je navodno iskusni trgovac (Trader) osiguravao dobar povrat investitorima.
Registracija je izvršena na web stranici počinitelja:
Komunikacija počinitelja je bila putem e-mail adresa:
info@emirateglobalcapitalmarkets.com ili
account@emirateglobalcapitalmarkets.com ili
Ostali oštećenici su navedeni uz njihovu pisanu suglasnost da advokat u njihovo ime i za njihov račun podnese ovu kaznenu prijavu i dalje ih zastupa u postupku u skladu s danim ovlaštenjima. Imena i prezimena oštećenih, kao i iznosi pretrpljene štete, navedeni su u prilogu broj 1.
Uključujući ove pobrojane poznate žrtve, broj žrtava je 33 osobe, a ukupna šteta iznosi 291.761 USD.
Nastavlja se…
Advokat Zoran Miljakovic
Dear Clients,
Last week, I sought consultation in Zagreb regarding the EGCM criminal case. Following a thorough analysis of the case with my colleagues, we have determined that filing a criminal complaint with the Zagreb Prosecutor’s Office is the appropriate course of action to accelerate its resolution. We have also made a written request to the Celje Prosecutor’s Office while awaiting their response. It is imperative that we do not squander any further time. The applicable law permits us to file criminal complaints with both prosecutor’s offices, and we believe this approach will expedite the process. Should progress on this criminal case remain slow, we will explore alternative legal remedies to accelerate its resolution.
Below is a part of the criminal report:
County State Attorney’s Office
Republic of Croatia
Criminal Department
Savska cesta 41, 4th Floor, Zagreb
Pursuant to Article 205, paragraph 1 of the Criminal Procedure Act of the Republic of Croatia (NN 145/13, 70/17), the attorney for the victims submits a CRIMINAL REPORT.
It has been reported that a criminal offense of fraud has been committed under Article 236, paragraph 2 of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Croatia, resulting in significant financial losses for numerous victims. The identity of the perpetrator remains unknown, although there are electronic identification data available that are believed to be false. Nonetheless, certain traces of the perpetrator have been detected on the internet, and there is communication and evidentiary material that could prove useful in identifying the offenders during the investigation.
In addition to the criminal offense of fraud, the following have been committed:
- Continued criminal offense of Market Manipulation in Co-perpetration under Article 260, paragraph 2, in connection with points 1 and 2 of the Criminal Code of Croatia.
- Continued criminal offense of Money Laundering in Co-perpetration under Article 265, paragraph 4 of the Criminal Code of Croatia.
These criminal acts are stipulated in all European legislations. Therefore, an equivalent example of these offenses in German legislation are:
- Fraud: “Betrug” (§ 263 StGB)
- Market manipulation: “Marktmanipulation” (§ 38 WpHG)
- Money laundering: “Geldwäsche” (§ 261 StGB)
We are submitting a report to this body based on reasonable suspicion of a serious and widespread criminal offense that has caused significant financial damage to a large number of victims. The manner in which it was carried out suggests the involvement of a well-organized perpetrator or group of perpetrators who have colluded with the intent of causing harm to a larger group of people for the purpose of gaining unlawful financial benefit. Furthermore, this offense has an international element, as the perpetrators have operated at an international level using modern internet channels in different parts of the world or under different jurisdictions.
The criminal complaint is filed by the attorney on behalf of the victims listed in the attachment.
- Evidence: The list of victims of the nationals of Republic of Croatia and other countries. Attachment 1.
The victims accepted the offer for profit on the websites of the suspects. The websites were well-organized and appeared convincing, which led investors to believe that trading was safe, with the supposedly experienced trader providing a good return on investment.
Registration was completed on the perpetrator’s website:
The perpetrator’s communication was through the following email addresses:
info@emirateglobalcapitalmarkets.com or
account@emirateglobalcapitalmarkets.com or
The victims have provided written authorization for the lawyer to submit this criminal complaint on their behalf and to represent them during the proceedings in line with their conferred authorizations. The names and surnames of the affected parties, along with the corresponding extent of damages suffered, are detailed in Attachment 1.
The cumulative number of victims, including the aforementioned parties, tallies at 33 individuals, with the total amount of damages incurred standing at 291,761 USD.
To be continued…
Zoran Miljakovic
Attorney at Law