EGCM Emirate Global Capital Markets Newsletter No. 89
EGCM Emirate Global Capital Markets Newsletter No. 89
Dear Clients,
One of the most frequent questions we receive regarding the EGCM case is:
Will we succeed in this legal process, and will investors be able to recover their funds and claim earned bonuses?
To achieve success in a legal proceeding like this, certain conditions must be met:
Existence of the criminal offense of financial fraud
The first prerequisite for a successful outcome is the existence of the criminal offense of financial fraud. In this particular case, we believe that the crime has been committed, which we have explained in previous newsletters. Our office is actively working on gathering evidence and representing affected investors to ensure that this fraud is legally prosecuted.
Tracing the funds obtained through the criminal act
The second key factor is locating the funds that were acquired through this criminal activity. Based on our experience and legal practice, money cannot simply disappear, whether it’s in the form of cryptocurrency or regular currency. Every financial transaction leaves a trace, which allows prosecutors and investigators to track the flow of money to its final recipient. A relevant example is the Bitclub case, where the U.S. Department of Justice managed to seize $722 million during the legal process.
Compensating investors from seized assets
Finally, investors can be compensated from the assets seized during the legal process. In our experience, victims can submit claims for compensation as part of the criminal proceedings, provided their claims are supported by strong evidence. This is why it is crucial that investors are represented by legal counsel familiar with the procedural rules and who can protect their interests effectively.
According to our estimates, the amount of money illegally obtained by the suspects far exceeds the total claims we are pursuing on behalf of our clients. Therefore, we believe that future asset seizures will likely be sufficient to compensate the investors we represent.
Our office continues to monitor this case closely and remains committed to protecting your interests.
Attorney Zoran Miljaković
EGCM Emirate Global Capital Markets Newsletter No. 89
Poštovani klijenti,
Jedno od najčešćih pitanja koje dobijamo u vezi sa predmetom EGCM odnosi se na uspeh postupka i mogućnost povraćaja uloženih sredstava i naplate zarađenih bonusa. Da bismo odgovorili na to pitanje, važno je razumeti nekoliko ključnih uslova koji moraju biti ispunjeni kako bi postupak bio uspešan.
Postojanje krivičnog dela finansijske prevare
Prvi preduslov za uspeh u ovakvom postupku je postojanje krivičnog dela finansijske prevare. U ovom konkretnom slučaju, smatramo da su elementi krivičnog dela ispunjeni, što smo detaljno obrazložili u prethodnim newsletterima. Naša kancelarija aktivno radi na prikupljanju dokaza i pravnom zastupanju oštećenih investitora kako bi se ova prevara pravno sankcionisala.
Pronalaženje nezakonito stečenih sredstava
Drugi ključan faktor je pronalaženje sredstava koja su stečena izvršenjem ovog krivičnog dela. Na osnovu našeg iskustva i dosadašnje sudske prakse, novac ne može jednostavno nestati, bilo da je u pitanju kriptovaluta ili tradicionalna valuta. Svaka finansijska transakcija ostavlja trag, što omogućava nadležnim organima da putem finansijskih istraga prate tok novca do krajnjih korisnika. Kao relevantan primer, možemo navesti slučaj Bitclub, gde je američko tužilaštvo uspelo da zapleni preko 722 miliona dolara u toku postupka.
Obeštećenje investitora iz zaplenjenih sredstava
Poslednji, ali ne manje važan korak je isplata oštećenih investitora iz sredstava koja budu zaplenjena. Prema našem iskustvu, investitori imaju mogućnost da podnesu zahtev za naknadu štete u okviru krivičnog postupka, ukoliko je njihov zahtev potkrepljen adekvatnim dokazima. Zbog toga je ključno da oštećene investitore zastupa advokat koji poznaje krivičnu proceduru i aktivno štiti interese svojih klijenata.
Na osnovu naših procena, sumnjamo da su osumnjičeni nezakonito pribavili iznos koji značajno premašuje ukupne iznose koje potražujemo u ime naših klijenata. Zbog toga smatramo da će buduće zaplene verovatno biti dovoljne da investitori koje zastupamo ostvare svoje pravo na nadoknadu.
Naša kancelarija nastavlja da prati ovaj postupak i ostaje posvećena zaštiti vaših interesa.
Advokat Zoran Miljaković