Allied Capital Trade Newsletter No. 51
Poštovani Klijenti,
U ovom krivičnom predmetu, prikupljanje podataka i dostava punomoćja još uvek su u toku. Zbog proteka vremena, često je izazov rekonstruisati tok prevare i obezbediti sve dokaze potrebne za istragu.
Mi ulažemo dodatne napore kako bismo to postigli, kako bismo utvrdili nadležnost tužilaštva u više zemalja. Ovo je internacionalni slučaj, a ako ima takav status, povećava se verovatnoća pozitivnog ishoda. Što se tiče zastarelosti krivičnog gonjenja, to nije problem jer za krivično delo prevare zastareva tek nakon proteklih 10 godina od dana izvršenja dela.
Advokat Zoran Miljakovic
Dear clients,
In this criminal case, data collection and power of attorney delivery are still ongoing. Due to the passage of time, it is often challenging to reconstruct the course of fraud and secure all the necessary evidence for the investigation.
We are making additional efforts to accomplish this in order to establish the jurisdiction of the prosecution in multiple countries. This is an international case, and if it holds that status, the likelihood of a positive outcome increases. As for the statute of limitations for criminal prosecution, it is not an issue because for the crime of fraud, the statute of limitations occurs only after 10 years from the date of the offense.
Zoran Miljakovic
Attorney at Law