Allied Capital Trade Newsletter No. 57

by | May 31, 2024 | Allied Capital Trade Ltd | 0 comments

Dear Clients,

After taking this case, we initially had contact with a number of victims. However, after the initial enthusiasm, some of the victims lost interest. As a result, they did not provide us with the complete documentation necessary for the effective handling of this case. We kindly request once again that the victims who have registered but have not provided complete documentation, such as powers of attorney or proof of payments, do so as soon as possible. This will enable us to initiate proceedings in multiple countries. Do not allow the perpetrators of this fraud to go unpunished.

Zoran Miljakovic
Attorney at Law

Poštovani klijenti,

U vezi sa ACT predmetom, nakon otvaranja istog, prvobitno smo imali kontakt sa određenim brojem oštećenih strana. Međutim, nakon početnog entuzijazma, kod nekih oštećenih je došlo do gubitka interesa. Kao posledica toga, nisu nam dostavili kompletnu dokumentaciju neophodnu za efikasno vođenje ovog slučaja. Molimo još jednom oštećene koji su se prijavili, a nisu dostavili kompletnu dokumentaciju, poput punomoćja ili dokaza o uplatama, da to učine što pre. Time ćemo biti u mogućnosti da pokrenemo postupak u više zemalja. Nemojte dozvoliti da vinovnici ove prevare prođu nekažnjeno.

Advokat Zoran Miljaković