Allied Capital Trade Newsletter No. 60
Dear Clients,
Grandpacifictrade is a scam, a fake stock trading platform. It is an organized fraud carried out through a call center. The companies Olympus Prime and Asgard, based in Belgrade, gave it the appearance of legitimacy. The suspects have been arrested, and criminal proceedings are underway in Belgrade.
In this case, we represent the victims who responded to an online advertisement promoting the cryptocurrency trading platform Grand Pacific Trade. The platform’s website was, but access to it is no longer possible.
As the website seemed reliable to the victim, they decided to make an initial deposit using a credit card. After that, the victim created an account on the mentioned platform. Shortly after the deposit, the victim was contacted by an individual claiming to be a senior manager at Grand Pacific Trade.
How to Protect Yourself from Call Center Scams
Call center scams are becoming more frequent, but there are ways to protect yourself:
Recognize the Warning Signs
- Unsolicited Calls: Be cautious if someone calls you with whom you have no business relationship.
- Requests for Personal Information: Authentic call centers will never ask for your PIN or credit card number.
- Urgency and Threats: Scammers use intimidation to make you act quickly.
- Unwanted Gifts or Offers: Be skeptical of incredible offers in exchange for personal information.
How to Respond
- Do Not Share Personal Information: Never share your PINs, passwords, or account numbers over the phone.
- Verify the Authenticity of the Call: Ask for the caller’s name and company, then call the company’s official number yourself.
- Be Skeptical: If something sounds too good to be true, it probably isn’t.
- Record Details: Write down the number from which you were called and the caller’s name.
How to Report a Scam
- Contact Your Bank: Inform your bank if you have shared any account information.
- Report the Scam to Relevant Authorities: In Bosnia and Herzegovina, this can be the Agency for Supervision of the FBiH or RS Insurance Sector for example.
Additional Tips
- Use Caller ID: It helps filter suspicious calls.
- Set Security Questions: Only authentic representatives should know the answers.
- Check Account Statements: Regularly monitor your bank and credit statements for suspicious activities.
Be cautious and informed to recognize and report call center scams. Never share sensitive information over the phone and report suspicious activities to the relevant authorities.
Victims in the ACT Case
We have an open case. Report your claims. If you report and we initiate proceedings against the fraudsters, we can expect a similar outcome as in the Grandpacifictrade case.
Zoran Miljakovic
Attorney at Law
Poštovani klijenti,
Grandpacifictrade je prevara, lažna platforma za trgovanje na berzi. Organizovana prevara preko call centra. Firme Olympus Prime i Asgard sa sjedištem u Beogradu davale su privid legalnosti. Osumnjičeni su uhapšeni, krivični postupak se vodi u Beogradu.
U ovom predmetu zastupamo oštećene koji su se javili na oglas na internetu, a koji je reklamirao platformu za trgovanje kriptovalutama Grand Pacific Trade. Web stranica platforme bila je, ali pristup istoj više nije moguć.
Kako se web stranica oštećenom činila pouzdanom, odlučio je da uplati početni depozit kreditnom karticom. Nakon toga, oštećeni je otvorio nalog na pomenutoj platformi. Ubrzo nakon uplate depozita, oštećenog je kontaktirao izvjesni lik predstavljajući se kao viši menadžer u kompaniji Grand Pacific Trade.
Kako se zaštititi od prevara call centra
Prevare call centara su sve češće, ali postoje načini da se zaštitite:
Prepoznajte znakove upozorenja
- Neželjeni pozivi: Budite oprezni ako vas zove neko s kim nemate poslovni odnos.
- Pitanja o ličnim podacima: Autentični call centri nikada neće tražiti vaš PIN ili broj kreditne kartice.
- Hitnost i pretnje: Prevaranti koriste zastrašivanje da biste brzo delovali.
- Nepoželjni pokloni ili ponude: Skeptični budite prema neveerovatnim ponudama u zamenu za lične podatke.
Kako reagovati
- Ne delite lične informacije: Nikada ne delite PIN-ove, lozinke ili brojeve računa putem telefona.
- Proverite autentičnost poziva: Zatražite ime pozivatelja i kompanije, pa sami nazovite službeni broj kompanije.
- Budite skeptični: Ako nešto zvuči predobro da bi bilo istinito, verovatno nije.
- Zabeležite detalje: Zapišite broj sa kojeg ste pozvani i ime pozivatelja.
Kako prijaviti prevaru
- Kontaktirajte svoju banku: Obavestite banku ako ste podelili informacije o računu.
- Prijavite prevaru nadležnim organima:
Dodatni saveti
Postavite sigurnosna pitanja: Samo autentični predstavnici mogu znati odgovore.
- Proveravajte izvode računa: Redovno pratite bankovne i kreditne izvode za sumnjive aktivnosti.
Budite oprezni i informisani kako biste prepoznali i prijavili prevare call centara. Nikada ne delite osetljive informacije preko telefona i prijavite sumnjive aktivnosti nadležnim organima.
Oštećeni u predmetu ACT
Imamo otvoren predmet. Prijavite svoju štetu. Ako prijavite i pokrenemo postupak protiv prevaranta, možemo očekivati sličan epilog kao u predmetu Grandpacifictrade.
Advokat Zoran Miljaković