Dear Clients,

Below you will find answers to some of the questions we have received over the past week:

  1.  Can I change my name, email, and password after registering as a member on DefendMe Platform?

After registering an account or submitting a claim through the DefendMe Platform, modifications to your username, email, account information, or claim amount are not permitted. This is because it is essential to maintain accurate records of all claims at all times, ensuring that the information provided is correct and cannot be altered by clients. We may have already submitted the claim with the information we had available at the time, so it is crucial to keep track of all details.

If you require any changes to your account, you must notify us via email, and we will need to process the alterations manually.

2. Is it possible to participate in and register litigation due to the acquisition of the deceased or another person’s account?

In the event that a family member or relative has passed away without submitting a claim, we recommend that only the legal successor of the deceased claimant submit an application, subject to providing legal documentation that demonstrates their status as the legal successor.

As this is a legally complex situation, we must await guidance from the American authorities regarding the processing of such claims. However, it is still advisable to submit a claim in any case.

Zoran Miljakovic
Attorney at Law