Compire Group Scam Newsletter No. 2

by | Sep 13, 2024 | Compire Group | 0 comments

Dear Clients,

We would like to provide you with an important update regarding the ongoing investigation into the Compire Group scam. So far, we have received reports from 31 affected individuals who have provided significant material for the preparation of a criminal complaint. The criminal complaint will be submitted to the Higher Public Prosecutor’s Office in Belgrade on Monday, September 23rd. All individuals who submit their reports through our website by Friday, September 20th, will be included in the complaint. After the submission of the criminal complaint, the conditions for reporting will change.

Let’s recap what this scam looks like:

Compire Group has become a serious threat to investors in the Forex trading world. This scam presents itself as a reliable Forex trading platform offering high returns and guaranteed profits. However, investors quickly discover that the platform is merely a façade and that their money disappears after making deposits.

How Compire Group operates:

Aggressive marketing strategies, such as social media ads, fake client testimonials, and endorsements from fictitious financial gurus, are often used to launch these scams. The allure of quick, substantial profits with low risk attracts potential investors. The platform features a well-designed user interface with sophisticated charts and trading tools, all intended to create an impression of credibility.

Investors may experience initial success and profitable trades after opening an account and depositing funds. However, when they attempt to withdraw their money, they receive only delays and excuses. Subsequently, the scammers behind Compire Group disappear, leaving investors with significant losses and unable to recover their funds through conventional channels.

If you have been affected by this scam, contact us immediately! We offer assistance and advice to help protect your rights and recover lost funds.

Be cautious and avoid investing in schemes that promise unrealistic returns with minimal risk.


Attorney Zoran Miljaković

Poštovani Klijenti,

Želimo da vam pružimo važno ažuriranje o tekućoj istrazi u vezi sa prevarom Compire Group. Do sada smo primili prijave od 31 oštećenog lica, koja su dostavila značajan materijal za pripremu krivične prijave. Krivična prijava biće predana Višem tužilaštvu u Beogradu u ponedeljak, 23. septembra. Sva lica koja se prijave preko našeg sajta do petka, 20. septembra, biće obuhvaćena prijavom. Nakon predaje krivične prijave, uslovi za prijavu će se promeniti.

Podsetimo se kako izgleda prevara:

Compire Group postala je ozbiljna pretnja za investitore u svetu Forex trgovine. godine. Ova prevara se predstavlja kao pouzdana Forex trgovačka platforma koja nudi visoke prinose i garantovane profite. Međutim, investitori brzo otkrivaju da je platforma samo paravan i da njihov novac nestaje nakon što izvrše uplate.

Kako funkcioniše Compire Group:

Agresivne marketinške strategije, poput oglasa na društvenim mrežama, lažnih svedočanstava klijenata i preporuka fiktivnih finansijskih gurua, često se koriste za pokretanje ovih prevara. Privlačnost brzog i značajnog profita uz nizak rizik privlači potencijalne investitore. Platforma ima dobro dizajniran korisnički interfejs sa sofisticiranim grafikonima i alatima za trgovinu, sve s ciljem da stvori utisak ozbiljnosti.

Investitori mogu doživeti početni uspeh i profitabilne trgovine nakon otvaranja naloga i depozita sredstava. Međutim, kada pokušaju da povuku svoj novac, dobijaju samo kašnjenja i izgovore. Nakon toga, prevaranti iza Compire Group nestaju, ostavljajući investitore sa velikim gubicima i nemogućnošću da povrate svoj novac putem konvencionalnih kanala.

Ako ste pogođeni ovom prevarom, odmah nas kontaktirajte! Pružamo pomoć i savete kako biste zaštitili svoja prava i povratili izgubljena sredstva.

Budite oprezni i izbegavajte ulaganje u šeme koje obećavaju nerealne povrate uz mali rizik.


S poštovanjem,
Advokat Zoran Miljaković