Compire Group Scam Newsletter No. 3
Dear Clients,
We would like to inform you about the latest developments in the investigation against Compire Group. We have collected a significant number of complaints from affected parties who have provided key evidence and information. A criminal complaint against those responsible will be submitted to the Higher Public Prosecutor’s Office in Belgrade on Monday, September 23.
If you have been in contact with Compire Group or participated in their investment schemes, we recommend that you contact us immediately and provide any information that may assist in the investigation. Your contribution could be crucial in expediting the legal process and protecting other potential victims.
What happens after the criminal complaint is filed?
After the criminal complaint is filed, the Higher Public Prosecutor’s Office will take over the case and conduct investigative actions in accordance with the Criminal Code of the Republic of Serbia. This includes gathering additional evidence, interviewing witnesses and suspects, as well as obtaining information from abroad, given the international nature of this fraud. Financial analyses may also be necessary, and cooperation with foreign judicial authorities might be required, especially if there are indications that funds were transferred out of the country.
The pace of the investigation may vary depending on the complexity of the case and the amount of evidence collected. However, the prosecutor’s office has the authority to take all necessary legal measures to ensure effective prosecution.
The Importance of Caution in Investing
Compire Group is yet another example of how sophisticated frauds have become in the digital age. Fraudsters use advanced technologies and psychological methods to lure and deceive investors. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to be cautious and thoroughly investigate every investment opportunity, especially when dealing with online platforms that promise high and quick returns.
Our team continues to fight against such frauds and provide support to victims. Please feel free to contact us if you have any information or need assistance regarding Compire Group or similar cases.
Zoran Miljaković
Attorney at Law
Newletter No 3 – Compire Group Scam
Poštovani klijenti,
Želimo da vas obavestimo o aktuelnostima u vezi sa istragom protiv Compire Group. Prikupili smo značajan broj prijava od oštećenih lica, koja su dostavila ključne dokaze i informacije. Krivična prijava protiv odgovornih lica biće podneta Višem tužilaštvu u Beogradu u ponedeljak, 23. septembra.
Ukoliko ste bili u kontaktu sa Compire Group ili ste učestvovali u njihovim investicijskim šemama, preporučujemo vam da se odmah javite i pružite sve informacije koje mogu pomoći u istrazi. Vaš doprinos može biti od ključnog značaja za ubrzavanje pravnog postupka i zaštitu drugih potencijalnih žrtava.
Šta se dešava nakon podnošenja krivične prijave?
Nakon podnošenja krivične prijave, Više tužilaštvo preuzima slučaj i sprovodi istražne radnje u skladu sa Krivičnim zakonom Republike Srbije. To uključuje prikupljanje dodatnih dokaza, ispitivanje svedoka i osumnjičenih, kao i pribavljanje informacija iz inostranstva, s obzirom na međunarodni karakter ove prevare. Može biti neophodno sprovesti i finansijske analize, kao i sarađivati sa inostranim pravosudnim organima, posebno ako postoje indicije da su sredstva prebačena van zemlje.
Tok istrage može varirati u zavisnosti od složenosti slučaja i količine prikupljenih dokaza. Ipak, tužilaštvo ima ovlašćenje da preduzme sve neophodne zakonske mere kako bi osiguralo efikasno procesuiranje.
Važnost opreza pri investiranju
Compire Group je još jedan primer kako su sofisticirane prevare postale u digitalnom dobu. Prevaranti koriste napredne tehnologije i psihološke metode kako bi privukli i prevarili investitore. Stoga je od izuzetne važnosti da budete oprezni i temeljno istražite svaku investicionu priliku, posebno kada se radi o online platformama koje obećavaju visoke i brze prinose.
Naš tim nastavlja da se bori protiv ovakvih prevara i pruža podršku oštećenima. Budite slobodni da nas kontaktirate ukoliko imate bilo kakve informacije ili vam je potrebna pomoć u vezi sa Compire Group ili sličnim slučajevima.
S poštovanjem,
Advokat Zoran Miljaković