EGCM Emirate Global Capital Markets Newsletter No. 66
Poštovani klijenti,
Često nas pitate da li je moguće povratiti novac iz Dubaija i Ujedinjenih Arapskih Emirata (UAE). Ovo pitanje se pojavljuje jer je EGCM firma koja je navodno registrovana u Emiratima. U UAE, Dubai i druge arapske zemlje imaju specifične zakone. Postoje glasine da su svi MLM i cyber kriminalci u Dubaiju i da su zaštićeni od ekstradicije. Ove glasine treba uzeti s rezervom.
Ukoliko se istraga dobro vodi i postoje dobri materijalni dokazi da je učinjeno krivični deo prevare ili pranja novca, na zahtjev Interpola moguće je da se odobri ekstradicija. Dakle, odgovor je da, moguće je doći do odgovornih lica i njihovog novca. Postupci u arapskim zemljama dugo traju zbog same prirode međunarodne saradnje.
Advokat Zoran Miljakovic
Dear Clients,
One of the common questions we receive at our address relates to whether it is possible to recover money from Dubai and the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This question arises because EGCM is a company purportedly registered in the Emirates. In the UAE and other Arab countries have specific laws. There are rumors that all MLM and cyber criminals are in Dubai and are protected from extradition. These rumors should be taken with caution.
If the investigation is conducted well and there is good material evidence that a criminal act of fraud or money laundering has been committed, extradition may be granted upon Interpol’s request. So, the answer is yes, it is possible to reach responsible individuals and their money. Procedures in Arab countries take a long time due to the nature of international cooperation.
Zoran Miljakovic
Attorney at Law