EGCM Emirate Global Capital Markets Newsletter No. 71
Dear Clients,
In the attachment, we are sending you a successfully resolved case of fraud that is similar to EGCM. We expect the EGCM case to be resolved in a similar manner.
A FRAUD CASE – ASGARD & Olympus Prime
On January 12, 2023, Europol announced that the authorities of Serbia, Bulgaria, Cyprus and Germany, with the support of Europol and Eurojust, are investigating organized crime groups involved in cryptocurrency investment fraud. The investigation, led by Belgrade’s high-tech crime prosecutor, targets fraudulent activities potentially involving 150 to 200 individuals in Serbia and includes over two dozen financial investigations to trace money flows and seize luxury assets.
This global case of fraud, which affects 127,000 victims from countries such as Germany, Switzerland, Australia, Japan and others, is connected to ASGARD and Olympus Prime companies operating from Serbia. The financial damage is estimated at $7 billion, which reflects the assets displayed on Olympus Prime platforms during the raid. The scheme used fake platforms to mimic market activity, tricking customers into believing they were making profitable investments in cryptocurrencies. Investigators have identified over 80 fraudulent investment platforms linked to these companies.
CASE UPDATE: Significant progress
We at DefendMe have already filed requests for restitution on behalf of our clients that we represent in this case. Only individuals who have applied for restitution will be entitled to a refund once the trail is closed. Persons who have not submitted their claims will not be considered for restitution. The prosecutor has seized many assets from the defendants, including crypto wallets with bitcoins and other cryptocurrencies, real estate, bank accounts, motor vehicles, etc… These assets will be liquidated to return money to victims who have filed for restitution.
Zoran Miljakovic
Attorney at Law
Poštovani klijenti,
U prilogu vam šaljemo uspešno rešen slučaj prevare koji je sličan EGCM-u. Očekujemo da će slučaj EGCM-a biti rešen na sličan način.
Dana 12. januara 2023. godine, Europol je objavio da vlasti Srbije, Bugarske, Kipra i Nemačke, uz podršku Europola i Eurojusta, istražuju organizovane kriminalne grupe uključene u prevaru sa investicijama u kriptovalute. Istragu, koju vodi tužilac za visokotehnološki kriminal iz Beograda, usmerena je na prevarantske aktivnosti koje potencijalno uključuju 150 do 200 pojedinaca u Srbiji i uključuje više od dve desetine finansijskih istraga radi praćenja tokova novca i zaplene luksuznih dobara.
Ovaj globalni slučaj prevare, koji pogađa 127.000 žrtava iz zemalja poput Nemačke, Švajcarske, Australije, Japana i drugih, povezan je sa kompanijama ASGARD i Olympus Prime koje posluju iz Srbije. Finansijska šteta se procenjuje na 7 milijardi dolara, što odražava imovinu prikazanu na Olympus Prime platformama tokom racije. Šema je koristila lažne platforme koje su oponašale tržišnu aktivnost, varajući kupce da veruju da ostvaruju profitabilne investicije u kriptovalute. Istražitelji su identifikovali preko 80 lažnih investicionih platformi povezanih sa ovim kompanijama.
AŽURIRANJE SLUČAJA: Značajan napredak
Mi u DefendMe smo već podneli zahteve za restituciju u ime naših klijenata koje predstavljamo u ovom slučaju. Samo pojedinci koji su podneli zahteve za restituciju biće opravdani za povrat novca nakon što se proces završi. Osobe koje nisu podnele svoje zahteve neće biti razmatrane za restituciju. Tužilac je zaplenio mnoge imovine od okrivljenih, uključujući kripto novčanike sa bitkoinima i drugim kriptovalutama, nekretnine, bankovne račune, motorna vozila, itd. Ova imovina će biti likvidirana kako bi se vratio novac žrtvama koje su podnele zahteve za restituciju.
Advokat Zoran Miljaković