EGCM Emirate Global Capital Markets Newsletter No. 73

by | Jun 7, 2024 | Emirates Global Capital Markets | 0 comments

Dear Clients,

Emirates Global Capital Markets Dubai

The perpetrators of this alleged fraud conduct their business through the company “EGCM” – Emirates Global Capital Markets, founded in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. EGCM claims that its business model, which is predominantly trading and investing, provides sufficient profit to guarantee payouts to its clients of 10% of their investments weekly.

The perpetrators operate under the following names and aliases: Nathan Gomez, Amos John, Christofer, Chad Stilwell, Franco Pedregosa, Jossen Fernandes, Oliver, James Simbulan, Nicole Raynera… There is reasonable doubt to believe that the individuals mentioned above committed fraud with an international element affecting a large number of victims who were allegedly defrauded out of their investments.

In the past week there was no new information in this case.

Zoran Miljakovic
Attorney at Law

Poštovani klijenti,

Emirates Global Capital Markets Dubai

Počinioci ove navodne prevare posluju preko kompanije “EGCM” – Emirates Global Capital Markets, osnovane u Dubaiju, Ujedinjeni Arapski Emirati. EGCM tvrdi da njihov poslovni model, koji se pretežno zasniva na trgovini i investiranju, pruža dovoljan profit da garantuje isplate klijentima od 10% njihovih investicija nedeljno.

Počinioci posluju pod sledećim imenima i pseudonimima: Nathan Gomez, Amos John, Christofer, Chad Stilwell, Franco Pedregosa, Jossen Fernandes, Oliver, James Simbulan, Nicole Raynera… Postoji osnovana sumnja da su gore pomenute osobe počinile prevaru sa međunarodnim elementom koja je pogodila veliki broj žrtava koje su navodno prevarene za svoje investicije.

U protekloj nedelji nije bilo novih informacija u ovom slučaju.

Advokat Zoran Miljaković