EGCM Emirate Global Capital Markets Newsletter No. 82

by | Aug 23, 2024 | Emirates Global Capital Markets | 0 comments

Poštovani Klijenti,

U toku avgusta meseca nije bilo aktivnosti u ovom krivičnom slučaju.

Zašto državni organi u slučaju EGCM ne daju nikakve informacije o napretku duži vremenski period?

Postoji nekoliko opštih razloga za to:

  • Složenost tehnologije koju koriste prevaranti.
  • Skrivanje identiteta učesnika.
  • Različite jurisdikcije.
  • Veliki broj žrtava.
  • Otežano prikupljanje dokaza, kako vremenski, tako i resursno.
  • Identiteti korisnika u kripto transakcijama nisu javno dostupni.
  • Preopterećenost policije velikim brojem slučajeva.
  • Nedovoljna tehnička i stručna opremljenost policije u manjim mestima.

Očigledno je da slučaj EGCM ispunjava gore navedene uslove koji ga čine složenim. To nas obavezuje da udvostručimo napore kako bi ovaj slučaj bio rešen.

Advokati iz DefendMe tima uvek traže mogućnosti da slučaj prijave tamo gde policija i tužilaštvo imaju najveće kapacitete za efikasno rešavanje.

Imamo saznanja da je ova kriminalna grupa, pored EGCM-a, kreirala i druge lažne platforme za trgovanje. Postoji mogućnost da ova grupa bude procesuirana u okviru nekog drugog predmeta. U tom slučaju, postoji mogućnost da potraživanja žrtava iz ovog krivičnog slučaja pridružimo drugom kriminalnom slučaju koji je u toku.

Zoran Miljaković



Dear Clients,

During the month of August, there were no activities in this criminal case.

Why have the authorities in the EGCM case not provided any updates on progress over an extended period?

There are several general reasons for this:

  • The complexity of the technology used by the fraudsters.
  • The concealment of participants’ identities.
  • Different jurisdictions.
  • The large number of victims.
  • Difficulties in collecting evidence, both in terms of time and resources.
  • The identities of users involved in crypto transactions are not publicly accessible.
  • The police are overwhelmed with a large number of cases.
  • Insufficient technical and professional resources available to the police in smaller areas.

It is clear that the EGCM case meets the above criteria, making it a complex case. This obliges us to double our efforts to resolve this matter.

The lawyers from the DefendMe team always seek opportunities to file the case where the police and prosecution have the greatest capacity for efficient resolution.

We have learned that this criminal group, in addition to EGCM, has created other fake trading platforms. There is a possibility that this group could be prosecuted in connection with another case. In that event, there is a possibility to join the claims of victims from this criminal case to the ongoing criminal case.

Attorney at law
Zoran Miljakovic