EGCM Emirate Global Capital Markets Newsletter No. 95
Dear Clients,
Regarding your case, we would like to inform you that although there have been no new updates this week, we believe the situation will soon progress, especially considering the response we received last week from the District Public Prosecutor’s Office in Celje. In their reply to our letter dated February 22, 2024, the prosecutor’s office informed us that the Celje Police Department had filed a criminal complaint, and that the investigation is still ongoing, including international cooperation. This response suggests that the investigative authorities have already made significant efforts in gathering evidence, but the perpetrators have not yet been identified.
Although the investigation is still ongoing, we believe these steps will help accelerate further progress.
We understand that the current situation may be challenging, but we assure you that our team is carefully monitoring all developments and will keep you informed of any new progress.
We appreciate your patience and trust. Should you have any questions or need further information, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Kind Regards,
Zoran Miljakovic
Attorney at Law
EGCM Emirate Global Capital Markets Newsletter No. 95
Poštovani klijenti,
U vezi sa vašim slučajem, želimo vas obavestiti da, iako ove nedelje nije bilo novih informacija, smatramo da će se situacija uskoro pomeriti s obzirom na odgovor koji smo primili prošle nedelje od Državnog okružnog tužilaštva u Celju. Naime, u odgovoru na naš dopis od 22. februara 2024. godine, tužilaštvo nas je obavestilo da je Policijska uprava Celje podnela krivičnu prijavu, te da se istraga još uvek vodi, uključujući međunarodnu saradnju. Ovaj odgovor sugeriše da su istražni organi već uložili značajan napor u prikupljanju dokaza, ali da počinilac još uvek nije identifikovan.
Iako istraga traje, verujemo da će ovi koraci ubrzati dalji napredak.
Razumemo da trenutna situacija može biti izazovna, ali vas uveravamo da naš tim i dalje pažljivo prati sve dešavanja i da ćemo vas blagovremeno obavestiti o svakom novom razvoju.
Zahvaljujemo se na vašem strpljenju i poverenju. Ukoliko imate bilo kakvih pitanja ili su vam potrebne dodatne informacije, slobodno se obratite.
Advokat Zoran Miljaković