EGCM Emirate Global Capital Markets Newsletter No. 97

by | Dec 6, 2024 | Emirates Global Capital Markets | 0 comments

Dear Clients,

Although there have been no significant updates regarding the EGCM case over the past week, we would like to remind you of what to expect in the upcoming phases of the proceedings and explain how the process of fund recovery typically unfolds in similar cases.

In the next stages, the primary focus will be on thoroughly collecting evidence and identifying all individuals involved in the fraud. Once the key facts are established, efforts will shift toward identifying assets acquired through the fraudulent scheme, which may include monetary funds, real estate, or other valuable property. This phase requires cooperation among multiple institutions to ensure that every relevant lead is pursued.

After the assets are identified, the process of asset seizure follows. This involves legal actions to place the identified assets under the control of the appropriate authorities. It is important to note that the distribution of recovered funds is carried out according to predetermined rules, typically based on the documented losses of each affected individual.

While the process is complex and may take time, cases like these often result in the recovery of part or all of the lost funds, depending on the extent of the assets identified and seized. Our office remains dedicated to keeping you informed and providing all necessary legal support throughout this process.


Kind Regards,

Zoran Miljakovic

Attorney at Law


EGCM Emirate Global Capital Markets Newsletter No. 97

Poštovani klijenti,

Iako protekle nedelje nije bilo značajnih novosti u vezi sa slučajem EGCM, želimo vas podsetiti šta možete očekivati u nastavku postupka i kako se obično odvija proces povraćaja sredstava u ovakvim slučajevima.

U narednim fazama postupka, prioritet će biti temeljno prikupljanje dokaza i identifikacija svih aktera uključenih u prevaru. Nakon što se utvrde ključne činjenice, fokus će biti na identifikaciji imovine stečene prevarom, koja može uključivati novčana sredstva, nekretnine ili drugu vrednu imovinu. Ova faza zahteva saradnju više institucija kako bi se osiguralo da nijedan relevantan trag ne ostane neistražen.

Kada se imovina identifikuje, sledi proces zaplene. Ovo uključuje pravne radnje kako bi se imovina stavila pod kontrolu nadležnih organa. Važno je napomenuti da se raspodela vrši prema unapred utvrđenim pravilima, obično na osnovu dokumentovane štete svakog oštećenog pojedinca.

Iako je proces složen i može potrajati, ovakvi slučajevi često rezultiraju povraćajem dela ili celokupne izgubljene imovine, u zavisnosti od toga koliko se sredstava uspe identifikovati i zapleniti. Naša kancelarija je posvećena tome da vas redovno informiše i pruža svu neophodnu pravnu podršku u ovom procesu.


Advokat Zoran Miljaković