EGCM Emirate Global Capital Markets Newsletter No. 98

by | Dec 13, 2024 | Emirates Global Capital Markets | 0 comments

Dear Clients,

In recent days, there have been no significant developments regarding the EGCM case. However, we want to inform you that investigations into this fraud are still ongoing, with a focus on the company’s operators and their connections to other similar cases.

The investments that were part of this fraud have become the subject of extensive investigations, with authorities in various countries working together to clarify the extent of the damage and hold those responsible for the losses accountable. Investigations are also looking into potential links between EGCM and other fraudulent networks.

Our office is actively monitoring all new developments to ensure your protection and the recovery of funds. We expect new information in the coming months and will update you as soon as we have more concrete details.

We appreciate your patience and trust, and as always, we are available for any additional questions or information.

Kind Regards,

Zoran Miljakovic

Attorney at Law


EGCM Emirate Global Capital Markets Newsletter No. 98

U poslednjim danima nije bilo novih značajnih dešavanja u vezi sa slučajem EGCM. Međutim, želimo vas obavestiti da su istrage u vezi sa ovom prevarom i dalje u toku, sa fokusom na operatore kompanije i njihovu povezanost sa drugim sličnim slučajevima.

Investicije koje su bile predmet ove prevare postale su predmet dubokih istraga, a nadležni organi u različitim zemljama, sarađuju kako bi se razjasnio opseg štete i osigurali odgovorni za gubitke. Takođe, istražuju se i potencijalni kontakti između EGCM i drugih prevarantskih mreža.

Naša kancelarija se aktivno uključuje u praćenje svih novih dešavanja kako bismo obezbedili vašu zaštitu i povrat sredstava. Očekujemo da će u narednim mesecima biti novih informacija, te ćemo vas obavestiti čim budemo imali konkretnija saznanja.

Zahvaljujemo vam na strpljenju i poverenju, i kao i uvek, stojimo vam na raspolaganju za dodatna pitanja i informacije.


Advokat Zoran Miljaković