Dear Clients,
In recent times, there has been an observable rise in news reports detailing successful operations of law enforcement agencies against cybercrime. Over time, both the prosecution and the police have invested in training and equipping their personnel to combat the increasingly complex nature of high-tech crime. With the aid of modern technical equipment, it has become easier to uncover the true identities of criminals who conceal their activities behind fraudulent online profiles, and to track the flow of cryptocurrency transactions. Additionally, it is now a common practice to temporarily confiscate and seize assets and funds found in the possession of accused individuals, with the aim of returning these assets to defrauded investors once the case is concluded.
In the case of EGCM, we believe that we have gathered sufficient data to kickstart the case and move it forward from its current impasse. Consequently, we are now prepared to enter into the second phase of operations in this case, which is set to commence next week.
Zoran Miljakovic
Attorney at Law
Poštovani Klijenti,
Ukoliko pratite dešavanje u oblasti cyber kriminla mogli ste uočiti da je sve više novinarskih izveštaja o usprešnom radu policiskih organa na suzbijanju istog. Tužilastvo i policija je protekom vremena osposobila deo kadrova za borbu protiv visokotehnološkog kirminala. Tehnička opremljenost omogućava lakše otkrivanje počinilaca koje se kriju iza lažnih profila i efikasnije praćenja tokova kripto valuta. Takodje se ustalila praksa privemenog oduzimanja i zaplene pronadjene imovine i novca kod osumnjičenih. Od ovih sredstava se nakon zavrsetka slučaja vrši povrat novca prevarenim ulagačima.
U slučaju EGCM smatramo da imamo dovoljno podataka da slučaj pokrenemo sa mrtve tačke. Iz tog razloga sada smo spremni da u ovom slučaju krenemo u drugu operativnu fazu koja će početi naredne nedelje.
Advokat Zoran Miljaković