Dear Clients,

This week, I undertook fieldwork in Croatia and Slovenia, specifically in Zagreb and Celje. While in Celje, I submitted a request for information related to this case to the prosecutor’s office. While awaiting a response from the Celje prosecutor’s office, I utilized my time by working alongside a colleague lawyer from Zagreb to examine the case in its entirety. We also consulted with the prosecutor and decided that we would file a criminal complaint with the District Prosecutor’s Office in Zagreb following the upcoming holidays. In the complaint, we will reference the fact that the case has already been initiated in Celje. This course of action is permissible under the law, given the significant number of injured citizens of the Republic of Croatia.

Regardless of the abovementioned, we are still monitoring and gathering information about this case. After filing the criminal complaint, the prosecutor’s office will verify the allegations in the complaint and conduct their own investigation, which is known as the preliminary investigation phase. Due to the international element involved, this phase typically takes time. I know that prosecutors have the ability to identify individuals who have committed fraud through the use of special investigative methods employed by the police.

We all desire a prompt resolution to the case, but it is necessary to be patient. With enough persistence, we are optimistic about a favorable outcome.

Zoran Miljakovic Attorney at Law

Poštovani Klijenti,

Ovu nedelju sam proveo na terenu u Hrvatskoj i Slovneniji, odnosno u Zagrebu i Celju. Ja sam se u Celju obratio tužilaštvu za zahtevom za  dostavljanje informacija u vezi ovog slučaja. Dok čekam odgovor od tužilaštva u Celju nisam gubio vreme. Sa  kolegom advokatom  iz Zagreba prošli smo ceo slučaj, konsultovali se sa tužiocem i odlučili da nakon praznika  koji slede podnesemo krvičnu prijavu i Okružnom tužilaštvu u Zagrebu. U prijavi ćemo naznačiti da je slučaj već pokrenut u Celju. Zakon nam daje tu mogućnost obzirom na veliki broj oštećenih državljana republike Hrvatske.

Bez obzira na gore navedeno mi pratimo i prikupljamo informacije u vezi ovog predmeta. Nakon predaje krivične prijave tužilaštvo proverava navode iz prijave i samosalno sprovodi sopstvenu istragu. Ovo se zove faza izvidjanja. Obzorom na medjunarodni elementa faza izvidjanja obično traje. Meni je poznato da tužilaštva preko policije i njihovih specijalnih istražnih metoda imaju mogućnost da idetifikuje lica koja su prevaru počinila.

Svi mi bi smo želeli da se slučaj reši odmah, no moramo imati malo strpljenja. Uz moju i Vašu upornost koja ne nedostaje očekujemo pozitivan ishod.

Advokat Zoran Miljaković