Poštovani Klijenti,
Od tužilaštva iz Celja smo dobili prvi dopis. Zatražili su od nas dodatne informacije koje će im biti pružene u toku iduće nedelje. Napokon su počela dešavanja u ovom predmetu.
U prilogu nastavljamo sa objavljivanjem krivcne prijave nemenjenje Hrvatskom tužilaštvu:
Nastavak teksta iz prethodne objave:
…..Svaki oštećenik se prijavio putem svog referal linka, koji je dobio od organizatora, a zatim je fizički obavio registraciju i stvorio svoj korisnički račun s odgovarajućom lozinkom. Nakon toga, svaka žrtva je pretvorila svoj novac u bitcoine i prebacila ga na e-račun koji je dostupan počiniteljima.
Prema dogovoru s počiniteljima, oštećenici bi trebali dobiti povrat od 10% tjedno na iznos koji su uplatili. Nažalost, oštećenici nisu samo ostali uskraćeni za obećani povrat, već su također bili spriječeni u povlačenju svojih uloga.
Počinitelji su se online predstavljali s dobro organiziranom i vjerodostojnom web stranicom. Obećavali su 100% garanciju na sigurnost i povrat, konkretno primjerice 10% tjednog povrata. U komunikaciji s oštećenicima koristili su različite e-mail adrese kao što su info@emirateglobalcapitalmarkets.com, account@emirateglobalcapitalmarkets.com ili no-replay@emirateglobalcapitalmarkets.com, te su se predstavljali pod različitim imenima putem Facebook profila. Među imenima koja su koristili su Nathan C. Gomez, Nathan Gomez, Amos John (Johanan), Christofer, Chad Stilwell, Franco Pedregosa, Jossen Fernandes, Oliver James Simbulan, Nicole Raynera i druga. Ta imena su vjerojatno lažna ili su ukradena identiteta stvarnih osoba.
Počinitelji su se u svojoj komunikaciji predstavljali kao tvrtka EGCM – Emirates Global Capital Markets iz Dubaia, koja bi trebala biti azijska jedinica na Filipinima (u daljnjem tekstu EGCM ili počinitelj). Tvrdili su da se bave trgovinom, fondovima, investicijama i ponudama visokih i sigurnih povrata svojim klijentima. Oštećeni bi pronašlazili njihovu web stranicu pregledavajući internet počev od 2020. godine. Stranica se činila zanimljivom, pouzdanom i sigurnom, obećavajući mogućnost sigurnih (s 100% jamstvom) visokih povrata investranog novca.
Tada se oštećena N.Č. javila s vlastitog e-maila body.info@gmail.com na e-mail osunjičenih : enquiry@emirateglobalcapitalmarkets.com gdje je dalje javio Nathan C. Gomez i rekao da ima mogućnosti zanimljivih ulaganja. Potpis email s kojeg se komuniciralo sa oštećenim Ninom Čoligom glasio je:
Nathan C. Gomez
Voditelj odnosa s klijentima EGCM Jedinica za informacije i odnose s klijentima – Ured u Pennsylvaniji GLOBALNO TRŽIŠTE KAPITALA U EMIRATIMA. enquiry@emirateglobalcapitalmarkets.com
W. www.emirateglobalcapitalmarkets.com
A. 1409 Old York Rd, Abington, Pennsylvania, 19001
Iz toga je jasno da bi se nalazio u Sjedinjenim Američkim Državama. Rekao je da brine o investitorima i da se za ulaganje obećava visoka dobit. Osumnjičenik je lagao tako da je za iznos koji je uplatio investitor obećava 10% tjedni povrat na uložena sredstva.
Dana 7. listopada 2020. na platformu se registrirao oštećeni R.S. po istom postupku. Po nagovoru počinitelja na web stranici je prebacio 1.000,00 EUR iz svog Bitcoin novčanika u elektronički novčanik počinitelja.
Dana 20. listopada 2020. oštećena je N.Č., na nagovor počinitelja je prebacile 1.000,00 EUR u Bitcoin kripto valuti i to je registrirano. Ona je sa svog online elektronskog novčanka Bitcoin wallet prebacila 1.000,00 EUR na elektronički novčanik počinitelja. Zatim je, prema raspravama među poznanicima, još više lica se prijavilo na internetskoj platformi EGCM, po istom modelu, odnosno sami su se prijavili na online platformu prebacivali kripto valutu iz vlastitih elektroničkih novčanika Bitcoine u elektronički novčanik počinitelja. Većina ih je također direktno komunicirala s počiniteljem. Ljudi koji su se registrirali na platformi počinitelja, su uglavnom zemalja bivše Jugoslavije, odnosno iz Slovenije, Hrvatske, Srbije, Bosne i Hercegovine, Sjeverne Makedonije ali ih ima i iz Njemačke, Velike Britanije, Austrije, Italije i dr.
Nasavice se…..
Advokat Zoran Miljakovic
Dear Clients,
We received the first letter from the prosecutor’s office in Celje. They have requested additional information from us which will be provided to them next week. Finally, there are some developments in this case.
Attached herewith, we continue with the publication of the criminal complaint not intended for the Croatian prosecutor’s office.
The continuation of the text from the previous newsletter:
…Each victim registered through their respective referral link, provided by the organizers, and subsequently completed the registration process to create their own user account with a corresponding password. After that, each victim converted their funds into bitcoins and transferred it to an e-account made available to the perpetrators.
According to the agreement with the perpetrators, the victims were supposed to receive a weekly return of 10% on the amount they had deposited. Unfortunately, not only did the victims not receive the promised return, but they were also prevented from withdrawing their investments.
The perpetrators presented themselves online with a well-organized and credible website. They promised a 100% guarantee on security and return, specifically citing a 10% weekly return. In their communication with the victims, they used various email addresses such as info@emirateglobalcapitalmarkets.com, account@emirateglobalcapitalmarkets.com, or no-replay@emirateglobalcapitalmarkets.com, and presented themselves under different names through Facebook profiles. Among the names they used were Nathan C. Gomez, Nathan Gomez, Amos John (Johanan), Christofer, Chad Stilwell, Franco Pedregosa, Jossen Fernandes, Oliver James Simbulan, Nicole Raynera, and others. These names are likely false or stolen identities of real persons.
In their communication, the perpetrators identified themselves as the company EGCM – Emirates Global Capital Markets from Dubai, which was supposed to be the Asian unit in the Philippines (hereinafter referred to as EGCM or the perpetrators). They claimed to be engaged in trading, funds, investments, and offering high and safe returns to their clients. The victims would find their website by browsing the internet starting from 2020. The website seemed interesting, credible, and secure, promising the possibility of safe (with a 100% guarantee) high returns on invested money.
Then, the victim N.Č. contacted the suspects from her own email body.info@gmail.com to the email address enquiry@emirateglobalcapitalmarkets.com, where she was further contacted by Nathan C. Gomez and informed about interesting investment opportunities. The signature of the email used to communicate with the victim Nina Čolig read:
Nathan C. Gomez
Client Relations Manager, EGCM Asia Unit for Information and Client Relations – Office in Pennsylvania, Global Capital Markets in the Emirates. enquiry@emirateglobalcapitalmarkets.com
W. www.emirateglobalcapitalmarkets.com
A. 1409 Old York Rd, Abington, Pennsylvania, 19001
It is clear from that he was located in the United States of America. He said he takes care of the investors and promises high investment returns. The suspect lied by promising a 10% weekly return on invested funds for the amount that the investor deposited.
On October 7, 2020, the victim R.S. registered on the platform following the same procedure. At the instigation of the perpetrator, he transferred 1,000.00 EUR from his Bitcoin wallet to the perpetrator’s electronic wallet on the website.
On October 20, 2020, the victim N.Č. transferred 1,000.00 EUR in Bitcoin cryptocurrency, encouraged by the perpetrator, and the transaction was registered. She transferred 1,000.00 EUR from her online electronic wallet (Bitcoin wallet) to the perpetrator’s electronic wallet. Then, according to discussions among acquaintances, more people registered on the EGCM online platform using the same model, i.e., they registered on the online platform and transferred cryptocurrency from their own electronic wallets (Bitcoins) to the perpetrator’s electronic wallet. Most of them also communicated directly with the perpetrator. People who registered on the perpetrator’s platform were mostly from the countries of the former Yugoslavia, i.e., from Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, but there were also some from Germany, Great Britain, Austria, Italy, and other countries.
To be continued…
Zoran Miljakovic
Attorney at Law