Dear Clients,

One of the most frequently asked questions we get:

Can the victims get their money back?

Yes, it is possible, provided the following criteria are met:

The crime of financial fraud has been committed. 

  • We have strong indications that this crime was committed, as explained in detail in the submitted criminal report. 

To locate and seize the assets obtained from the criminal wrongdoing. 

  • Based on the now-established legal praxis and our experience, the obtained assets always leave a trail behind, regardless of whether they are crypto or fiat money. The financial investigation conducted by the prosecutor can uncover the ultimate beneficiary of these assets. 
  • The “Bitclub” case is an example where our office represents clients from the EU. The US prosecutor has found and seized all assets from convicted fraudsters to repay the victims. 

To submit a restitution claim. 

  • In order to for a victim to get their money back, a restitution claim must be submitted backed up by evidence. This is an essential element of the whole process, which needs to be done by a lawyer who knows the procedures.

We estimate that in the EGCM, enough assets will be seized to make our clients whole again.  

The DefendMe team analyzes and files all claims submitted via our Platform. Simultaneously we are preparing the required documents to speed up the criminal proceedings that are already initiated. 

We remind you that the discounted price for legal fees is valid until 20.12.2022. Other victims can still submit their claim after this deadline but under standard terms and conditions that apply to all clients. 

Kind Regards,

Zoran Miljakovic

Attorney at Law 

Postovani Klijenti,

Jedno od najčescih pitanja oštećenih glasi:

Da se moguće povratiti svoje uloge?

Da moguće je, ukoliko se ispune sledeći uslovi:

  • Da postoji krivicno delo finasijske prevare.

U konretnom slucaju mi cenimo je delo počinjeno sto je detaljno obrazloženo u već podnetoj krivičnoj prijavi.

  • Da se pronadje novac koji je pribavljen izrsenjem krivčnog dela.

Iz našeg iskustva i sudske prakse:

Svaka novcana transakcija ostavlja trag, bilo da je to kripto ili regularan novac. Finasijaska istraga koju tužilac sprovede može dovesti do krajnjeg korisnika sredstava.

Kao primer navodim slucaj Bitclub ( u kojem zastupamo klijete iz EU ), gde je americko tužilastvo zaplenilo sva sredstva pronadjena kod osumnjičenih. 

  • Da se podnese zahtev za naknadu štete .

Da bi ste se naplatili potrebano je podenti zahev za naknadu stete koji je potkrepljen dokazima. Važno je da Vas u postupku zastupa advokat koji poznaje zakonsku proceduru.

Mi cenimo da u slucaju EGCM postoji dovljno sredstava da se naši klijenti obeštete.

Defendme tim sva do sada prijavljena potrazivanja preko platforme evidentira i sistematizuje. Istovremeno priprema dokumentaciju za ubrzanje krivičnog postupka koji je pokrenut.

Podsećamo Vas da popust inicijalne advokatske troskove koji traje do 20.12.2022. godine. Nakon isteka ovog perioda novi klijenti moći će i dalje prijaviti svoja potraživanja ali po komercijanoj ceni.

Advokat Zoran Miljakovic