Dear Clients,

Following the recent announcement of progress in the EGCM case last week, we received numerous inquiries from the victims.

These inquiries revolved around whether Croatian citizens can participate in the proceedings in Slovenia and if they can seek compensation if the perpetrators of this fraud are apprehended and their illicit gains are confiscated. The answer is yes; they can indeed participate in the proceedings and claim damages.

There were also queries about whether they can still register their claims through the DefendMe platform. Again, the answer is yes. Victims can assert their claims throughout the criminal proceedings until the conclusion of the main hearing. Since the case is still under investigation, it is possible to submit your claim via the DefendMe platform. We will process your request and integrate it into the ongoing legal process.

Zoran Miljakovic

Attorney at Law

Poštovani klijenti,

Nakon prošlonedeljne objave da je došlo do napretka u slučaju EGCM, imali smo više upita od strane žrtava.

Pitanja su se odnosila na to da li državljani Hrvatske mogu učestvovati u postupku koji se vodi u Sloveniji i da li mogu naplatiti štetu ukoliko počinioci ove prevare budu uhapšeni, a protivpravna korist im bude oduzeta. Odgovor glasi da, mogu učestvovati u postupku i naplatiti štetu.

Pitanje se takođe odnosilo na to da li se još uvek mogu prijaviti putem DefendMe platforme za svoja potraživanja. Odgovor je takođe pozitivan. Žrtve mogu svoja potraživanja istaći u krivičnom postupku do kraja glavnog pretresa. Budući da je ovaj postupak u fazi istrage, moguće je prijaviti svoje potraživanje putem DefendMe platforme. Mi ćemo vaš zahtev obraditi i priključiti ga postupku koji se vodi.

Advokat Zoran Miljaković