Dear Clients,

In the modern world, the development of IT technologies, social media, the internet, artificial intelligence, and rapid societal changes create a favorable environment for the growth of cybercrime. We witness daily bombardment on social media with various fraudulent offers related to investments or humanitarian aid. Having become a victim of such fraud yourself, you surely won’t repeat a similar mistake. Unfortunately, many other people fall into the same trap.

This leads to an increase in the number of criminal reports reaching prosecutors for high-tech crimes. Unfortunately, prosecutors do not have enough resources to process all reports, which means that many cases almost come to a standstill.

It is a significant success that investigative actions have commenced in this case.

We will provide all necessary information from our side during the proceedings to assist in resolving the case. We anticipate further developments, and we will keep you informed regularly.

Zoran Miljakovic

Attorney at Law

Poštovani klijenti,

U savremenom svetu, razvoj IT tehnologija, društvenih mreža, interneta, veštačke inteligencije i opšte brze društvene promene stvaraju povoljno okruženje za razvoj cyber kriminala. Svedoci smo svakodnevnog bombardovanja društvenih mreža raznim prevarantskim ponudama koje se odnose na investiranje ili humanitarnu pomoć. Budući da ste i sami postali žrtva jedne takve prevare, sigurno nećete ponoviti sličnu grešku. Nažalost, mnogi drugi ljudi padaju u istu zamku.

Ovo vodi do povećanja broja krivičnih prijava koje stižu tužiocima za visokotehnološki kriminal. Nažalost, tužioci nemaju dovoljno resursa da obrade sve prijave, što znači da se mnogi slučajevi gotovo “zakoče”.

Veliki je uspeh što su u ovom predmetu krenule istražne radnje.

Mi ćemo sa naše strane pružiti sve neophodne informacije tokom postupka kako bismo pomogli u razrešavanju slučaja. Očekujemo dalji razvoj situacije, o čemu ćemo vas redovno obaveštavati.

Vaš advokat,

Zoran Miljaković