Dear Clients,
We are witnessing constant progress in the legal regulation of cryptocurrencies, which creates additional trust among crypto users. People who have not used cryptocurrency before are starting to buy it. The reduction in Bitcoin mining also increases its price. This situation creates a feeling among people that they are missing out on something big if they do not join the crypto community. The heightened nervousness, resembling the gold rush, is being exploited by fraudsters. Therefore, be cautious; do not invest until you have verified.
We would like to inform you that in the past week, we have not received any new information regarding the actions of Slovenian and Croatian judicial authorities concerning this matter. We expect to receive new information soon.
If there is no progress in resolving this case in the near future, we will consider filing a complaint with Europol due to the prolonged duration of the proceedings. According to the law, we have the right to do so if the case has been initiated in any of the European Union member states.
Zoran Miljakovic
Attorney at law
Poštovani klijenti,
Svedoci smo stalnog napretka u pravnoj regulative kripto valuta što kod korisnika kripta stvara dodatno poverenje. Ljudi koji do sada nisu koristili kripto novac počinju da ga kupuju. Smanjenje rudarenja Bitcoina takođe uvećava njegovu cenu. Ovakva situacija stvara kod ljudi osećaj da propuštaju nešto veliko ukoliko se ne uključe u kripto zajednicu. Ta pojačana nervoza, koja nalikuje na zlatnu groznicu kako su nekada istraživači pronalazili zlatnu žicu, obilato koriste prevaranti. Zato oprez, ne ulazite dok ne proverite.
Želimo vas obavestiti da u protekloj nedelji nismo dobili nove informacije o postupanju slovenačkih i hrvatskih pravosudnih organa u vezi sa ovim predmetom. Očekujemo da ćemo uskoro dobiti nove informacije.
Ukoliko ne dođe do napretka u rešavanju ovog slučaja u skorije vreme, razmotrićemo podnošenje pritužbe Europolu zbog predugog trajanja postupka. Po zakonu, imamo pravo na to ukoliko je slučaj pokrenut u nekoj od država članica Evropske unije.
Advokat Zoran Miljakovic