Dear Clients,

“We have been updating the criminal complaint and preparing your claims for compensation in the past week. The administrative part of the work will be finished by the end of this month. Afterwards, a meeting with the prosecutor in Celje is planned. The purpose of the meeting is to check the progress of the case and offer our assistance to the prosecutor. Further we want to determine whether we need to open a new case in some other jurisdiction.

Kind Regards,

Zoran Miljakovic

Attorney at Law

Poštovani klijenti,

U toku protekle sedmice mi smo dopunjavali krivičnu prijavu i pripremali Vaše zahteve za naknadu štete ( povrat vaših uloga ). Adimistrativni deo posla biće gotov do kraja  ovog meseca. Odmah nakon toga je planiran odlazak u Celje radi sastanka sa tužiocem. Cilj sastanka provera dokle se stiglo sa predmetom. Pomoć i saradnja sa tužilaštvom ili pokretanje novog postupka.


Zoran Miljaković