Dear Clients,

One of the most common questions I get asked in the EGCM case:

What are our chances of successfully concluding this case, i.e., will the clients get their investments back?

To conclude this case successfully, the following criteria need to be met:

  • The crime of financial fraud has been committed.

In the EGCM case, we have reasons to believe that the fraud has been committed, as we have previously explained in detail in our newsletters.

  • To locate the unlawful material gain (assets, funds, etc…)

From our own experience and as the established case law indicates, money does not simply disappear. Regardless of whether it was made in crypto or fiat, every transaction can be tracked. The state prosecutor has the expertise and the resources to undertake a financial investigation and locate the unlawfully obtained assets. A relevant example is the “Bitclub” case, where the American prosecutor found and seized $722 million.

  • To compensate the investors from the seized assets.

Based on the existing case law, investors who can file a successful compensation claim during the criminal proceedings must have the appropriate evidence to back it up. For this reason, it is essential to hire an attorney with expert knowledge of the case law to protect the clients’ interests.

Based on our assessments, we believe that the perpetrators have collected assets with a value far greater than what we seek for our clients in their compensation claims. For this reason, we believe that seized assets will be enough to make our clients whole again.

Zoran Miljaković,


Poštovani Klijenti,

Jedno od najčešcih pitanja koje dobijam u predmetu EGCM glasi:

Da li će mo uspeti  u ovom postupku, odnosno da li će investirori povratiti svoje uloge i naplatiti zarađene bonuse?

Da bi ste uspeli u sudskom postupku potrebno da se steknu određeni uslovi:

  • Da postoji krivicno delo finansijske prevare.

U konkretnom slučaju mi cenimo da je delo pocinjeno sto smo objasnili u prethodnim newsletterima.

  • Da se pronađe novac koji je pribavljen izvršenjem krivčnog dela.

Iz naseg iskustva i sudske prakse novac ne moze da nestane. Svaka nočcana transakcija ostavlja trag, bilo da je to kripto ili regularan novac. Finasijaska istraga tužioca ima mogućnosti da novac locira kod krajnjeg korisnika. Kao primer navodim slučaj Bitclub, gde je američko tužilaštvo zaplenilo 722 miliona dolara u toku postupka.

  • Da se na oštećeni investitori od zaplenjenog novca naplate.

Iz našeg iskustva i sudske prakse u krivičnom postupku mogu biti obeštećeni investitori koji podnesu zahev za naknadu štete koji je potkrpljen dokazima. Zbog toga je bitno da u postupku oštećenog zastupa advokat koji poznaje zakonsku proceduru i štiti interese klijenata.

Po nasim procenama osumnjiceni su utajili  iznos koji višestruko premašuje iznos koji mi u ime svojih klijenata potražujemo. Zato cenim da će buduća zaplenjenja sredstva biti dovoljna da se namire klijenti koje zatupamo.

Advokat Zoran Miljaković