Investments in solar panels
This scam is orchestrated by an organized criminal group through the company NSSPV ENERGI (EUROPE) LDT. According to reports, the company is headquartered in Colorado, USA, with regional offices in various countries. Through its official website, the company invites people to join a national project to produce electricity through solar panels.
First phase of the scam: The modus operandi involves luring victims through the website and promoting on social media. Victims are encouraged to invest money in solar panels, with promises of a quick return on investment. Allegedly, the profit comes from the production of electric energy through solar panels. After investors make their payments, they are urged to invite their family and friends to join the investment, with promises of additional income for each new member. When a certain deposit is reached, victims are offered the opportunity to sign cooperation agreements. Unfortunately, it turns out that there were no actual investments, and the initial payments of supposed profits served only fraudulent purposes.
Second phase of the scam: Victims are denied access to their accounts and the withdrawal of their earned money. Instead, they are offered options for the refund of lost funds with demands for additional financial contributions or presented with a new business opportunity promising a secure return of invested funds.
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Zoran Miljakovic