HotNews No. 89: Ashford Capital, Aurora-Coins, RichmondSuper, and Others: Revealing the Latest Scam Websites

by | Sep 13, 2024 | Hot News | 0 comments

Dear Clients,

As the world grapples with pervasive scams, our latest report unveils the extent of fraudulent platforms that have recently inundated the market.

Platforms such as InfinityCapitalG, GrandPacificTrade, CCG.Global, and others employ sophisticated techniques to create the appearance of legitimate trading activities, while in reality, they simulate fictitious transactions. Our investigation reveals that these platforms have deceived numerous investors by offering false cryptocurrency and binary options trading services.

Latest Developments:

A recent police operation named “Infinity” in Belgrade has led to the arrest of over 50 individuals and the seizure of significant assets. The case is currently under investigation by the Higher Court in Belgrade, while criminal investigation teams work tirelessly to gather additional evidence.

Identified suspicious websites related to this scam include:









How to Protect Yourself:

– Verify platforms: Check the legitimacy before investing.

Be cautious: Avoid suspicious calls and emails.

Report scams: Contact your bank and relevant authorities if you suspect a scam.

For more information or legal assistance, please contact us via the DefendMe platform or email

Attorney Zoran Miljaković

Dragi klijenti,

Dok se svet suočava sa sveprisutnim prevarama, najnoviji izveštaj otkriva razmere prevarantskih platformi koje su preplavile tržište u poslednje vreme.

Platforme poput InfinityCapitalG, GrandPacificTrade i CCG.Global I ostale koriste sofisticirane tehnike kako bi stvorile izgled legitimnih trgovačkih aktivnosti, dok u stvarnosti simuliraju fiktivne transakcije. Istraga pokazuje da su ove platforme prevarile mnoge investitore nudeći lažne usluge trgovanja kriptovalutama i binarnim opcijama.

Najnoviji razvoj:

Nedavna policijska operacija “Infinity” u Beogradu dovela je do hapšenja više od 50 osoba i zaplene značajnih sredstava. Ovaj slučaj je trenutno pod istragom Višeg suda u Beogradu, dok timovi za kriminalističku istragu neumorno rade na prikupljanju dodatnih dokaza.

Identifikovani sumnjivi sajtovi vezani za ovu prevaru uključuju:

  • com
  • com
  • com
  • com
  • com
  • com

Kako da se zaštitite

Verifikujte platforme: Proverite legitimnost pre nego što investirate.

Budite oprezni: Izbegavajte sumnjive pozive i e-mailove.

Prijavite prevare: Kontaktirajte banku i relevantne vlasti ako sumnjate na prevaru.

Za više informacija ili pravnu pomoć, obratite nam se putem DefendMe platforme ili na e-mail

Advokat Zoran Miljaković