HotNews No. 93: deceives investors

by | Oct 4, 2024 | Hot News | 0 comments

Dear crypto enthusiasts and online investors,
We would like to inform you about a new scam in the world of online trading – Marketstrading (, This platform falsely presents itself as a reputable broker, while their website and app show a dramatic increase in your investment, which is just bait to grab your attention. However, when you request a withdrawal, the more serious scams begin.

The order of their deceptions may vary, but one thing is certain – they will ask you for additional funds under various excuses! First, you will receive a request for a 2% deposit as a “blockchain fee.” Then, they will ask for a certain percentage for alleged anti-money laundering measures. In some cases, you may receive a call or email from “fake inspectors” from the UK, telling you that you need to pay taxes before withdrawing your money.

Their lies keep piling up until you decide to stop them!

Our law firm has already filed a criminal complaint against the Marketstrading platform.
Don’t let them scam you – protect your rights in time!

Zoran Miljaković

Poštovani ljubitelji kripta i ulagači na internetu, obaveštavamo vas da se pojavila nova prevara u svetu onlajn trgovine – Marketstrading (, Ova platforma se lažno predstavlja kao renomirani broker, dok njihov sajt i aplikacija prikazuju drastičan rast vaše investicije, što je samo mamac za privlačenje vaše pažnje. Međutim, u trenutku kada zatražite isplatu, počinju ozbiljnije prevare.

Redosled njihovih obmana može da varira, ali jedno je sigurno – tražiće vam dodatna sredstva pod raznim izgovorima! Prvo ćete dobiti zahtev za uplatu od 2% kao “proviziju za blockchain”. Zatim će vam tražiti određeni procenat za navodnu borbu protiv pranja novca. U nekim slučajevima, možete dobiti poziv ili mejl od “lažnih inspektora” iz Velike Britanije, koji će vam reći da morate platiti porez pre nego što podignete svoj novac.

Njihove laži se nižu, sve dok ne odlučite da im stanete na put!

Naša advokatska kancelarija je već podnela krivičnu prijavu protiv platforme Marketstrading.
Ne dozvolite da vas prevare – zaštitite svoja prava na vreme!

Zoran Miljaković