Dear Clients,
After the publication of the last week’s newsletter, there were many questions regarding the jurisdiction of Europol and the requests for more detailed explanation.
Europol, short for the European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Cooperation is the law enforcement agency of the European Union, which aims to facilitate cooperation among the police forces of EU member states in the fight against transnational crime and terrorism.
Here’s how Europol operates:
Analysis and Information: Europol collects, analyzes, and exchanges information about various forms of crime, including drug trafficking, human smuggling, terrorism, cybercrime, financial crime, and more.
Investigation Support: Europol provides support to police agencies in member states by assisting in the coordination and conduct of investigations. This includes providing expert advice, analytical tools, and resources to support investigations.
Operational Support: The agency can coordinate joint operations among different member states to address cross-border crime. These operations can involve collaborative raids, arrests, and other police activities.
Database: Europol maintains various databases containing information about criminals, vehicles, items, and other relevant data. These databases help track criminal activities and identify potential threats.
Analytical Support: The agency utilizes advanced analytical tools to identify patterns of criminal activity, recognize trends, and provide relevant information to police agencies.
Training and Education: Europol also organizes training sessions, workshops, and seminars to enhance the capacities of police officers in various aspects of crime fighting.
National Liaison Points: Each EU member state has its own National Liaison Bureau (NLB) at Europol. These liaison points serve as a connection between Europol and national agencies. They facilitate communication, information exchange, and coordination between national agencies and Europol.
Collaboration with Partners: The agency collaborates not only with police agencies of EU member states but also with partners from other countries and organizations to combat transnational crime and terrorism.
Does Europol have reach in Asian countries: Europol exchanges information and analyses with law enforcement agencies from Asia through international communication channels to identify criminal trends and cross-border threats.
Partnerships with International Organizations: Europol collaborates with international organizations such as Interpol or UNODC (United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime), which already have connections and cooperation with law enforcement agencies from Asian countries.
What all of this means in the Jubilee Group case:
Throughout the course of our involvement, we have amassed a substantial volume of evidence and information pertaining to the case. The magnitude of this operation transcends the scope of any singular national law enforcement or prosecutorial inquiry. Consequently, to expedite the resolution process, we have proactively sent Europol the evidence at our disposal, leveraging the aforementioned mechanisms to speed up domestic investigative efforts.
In the course of last week, an additional criminal complaint was submitted in Germany by a collective of victims linked to this case. We have actively participated in the writing of this criminal complaint providing evidence and expertise. This criminal report is complementary to the previously submitted criminal report in Croatia. It is our assessment that this development holds significant utility, given that we now have reports filed under the legislative frameworks of two countries—Germany and Croatia. This dual context serves as an added impetus for Europol to engage in a proactive manner.
We had a specific question from clients in Korea and other Asian countries. Do they benefit from the developments in Europe?
The response is: Absolutely, they do. Their status is on par with other victims, regardless of the jurisdiction.
Zoran Miljakovic
Attorney at Law