Dear clients


Aggrieved investors in the GTR case, the amounts for which you are owed can be reported no later than 31.12.2021 through our DefendMe Platform Registration is in progress.

Information on this case can also be obtained from the Board of Aggrieved Investors through the Telegram Group:

If you have additional questions regarding registration, submission of documents, and payment of attorney’s fees, contact us via email at  or through the live chat on our DefendMe Platform.


We were personally contacted by GTR members from South Korea. They brought forward the initiative to file criminal charges against the responsible founders, leading managers, and promoters. Their intention is to file charges locally, in their own country. They asked us for help and cooperation.  Negotiations are underway.


In the Jubilee Ace / Jenco and RCM case, the assessment of the collected evidence and their classification is ongoing.

The offer to the owners and promoters of the Jubilee group and GTR project for the settlement is valid until January 15, 2022.

Tonight at 8 pm Berlin time zone on the zoom app – you can talk to lawyers. To join the zoom meeting, contact the telegram group


Attached is a short guide in English, how to log in and use our platform

Becoming a new DefendMe Global user

Dear Sir or Madam,

the procedure for becoming a new member is as follows:

First, you need to create an account by clicking on the Client Registration. After that, you have to fill the form that contains your personal information, which are secured and protected. If you have any questions you can send them to us and our support team will answer in the shortest time possible.  Assign an email address that you currently using, because when you finish registration process you will receive a confirmation Email asking you to confirm and finalize your account registration.

After you receive the email and after clicking the link in the email you will be returned to DefendMe Global website, where you would need to Log in to your account using the Username you and Password you provided in the registration form.

After Login to DefendMe Global, you will have to register a case. This will appear right after you log in to the website.

If you want to register a claim agents Jubilee Ace and or Janco you have to click on the button that reads “Register JubileeAce/Jenco case”.

If you want to register a claim agent’s GTR you have to click on the button that reads “Register GTR case”.

Registering JubileeAce/Jenco case

After becoming a new user and clicking the button to register your JubileeAce/Janco case. You will need to complete the following steps.

Step 1. You have to enter your Jubilee Ace Usernames and after you enter the name a window on the right side will appear then you can enter the total claim amount in USD for that username. You can add up to 20 usernames to your account agents Jubilee Ace. After finishing the usernames and the total amounts you will be required to upload screenshots of your Dashboard for all the usernames you have entered.

Step 2. If you have a claim against Jenco you can enter your Jenco username and on the right side a window will appear where you can enter the total claim amount in USD for that username. You can also add up to 20 usernames to your account agents Jenco. After completing this section, you will be required to upload screenshots of your Dashboard for all the usernames you have entered.

Step 3. Please upload a picture of your ID. This step is required for identification purposes. (Government ID, Drivers license, Passport)

After finishing step 3 you can download the Power of Attorney for Jubilee Ace/Jenco while holding the mouse cursor and clicking on the Members page Jubilee.

Step 1. You need to download the Power of Attorney and fill the blanks with required information. 

Step 2. When you complete the Power of Attorney you need to scan it or take a photo and upload it to the designated box.

Step 3. After completing step 2, the last step is to pay the fee. You are required to calculate the total sum of all your claims and choose the correct payment order. Adding the order to the cart and proceeding to checkout. You can pay with, PayPal, and Direct bank transfer.

Registering a GTR claim and you already have a Jubilee Ace/Jnco claim

If you already have an existing account with us and you want to register your claim agent’s GTR you need to follow the next steps.

Step 1. Go to My account and click on the GTR claims.

Step 2. You have to enter your GTR Usernames and after you enter the name a window on the right side will appear, where you will be able enter the total claim amount in USD for that username. You can add up to 20 usernames to your account agent’s GTR. After finishing the usernames and the total amounts, you will be required to upload screenshots of your Dashboard for all the usernames you have entered.

Step 3: Please upload a picture of your ID. This step is required for identification purposes. (Government ID, Drivers license, Passport)

After finishing step 3 you can download the Power of Attorney for GTR case, while holding the mouse cursor and clicking on the Members page GTR.

Step 1: You need to download the Power of Attorney and fill the blanks with required information.

Step 2: After you successfully complete the Power of Attorney form you need to scan it or take a photo and upload it to the designated box.

Step 3: After completing step 2, the last step is to pay the fee. You are required to calculate the total sum of all your claims and choose the correct payment order. Adding the order to the cart and proceeding to checkout. You can pay with, PayPal, and Direct bank transfer.

Kind Regards,

Zoran Miljakovic

Attorney at Law

Sehr geehrte Kunden


Die geschädigten Investoren im Gegenstand GTR, die Beträge, für die Sie Schaden erlitten haben, können Sie spätestens bis zum 31.12.2021 anzeigen, und zwar über unsere Internetplattform   Die Anmeldung ist im Gange.

Informationen in Bezug auf diesen Fall sind auch beim Board der geschädigten Investoren über die Telegramm-Gruppe erhältlich:

Bei weiteren Fragen zur Anmeldung, Zustellung von Unterlagen und Zahlung der Anwaltskosten, kontaktieren Sie uns per E-Mail unter   oder über die Chat-Plattform.


Wir wurden von den geschädigten GTR-Mitgliedern aus Südkorea persönlich kontaktiert. Sie äußerten die Initiative, gegen die verantwortlichen Gründer, leitenden Manager und Promoter Strafanzeige zu stellen. Sie beabsichtigen, in ihrem Land einen Antrag zu stellen. Sie baten uns um Hilfe und Zusammenarbeit. Eine Absprache ist im Gange.


Im Gegenstand Jubilee Ace/Jenco und RCM ist eine Auswertung der gesammelten Beweise und deren Klassifizierung im Gange.

Das Angebot an die Eigentümer und Promoter des Jubilee Group- und GTR-Projekts zur Einigung gilt bis zum 15.01.2022.

Sie können heute Abend um 20 Uhr mit Anwälten auf Zoom sprechen. Zum Einloggen kontaktieren Sie die Telegramm-Gruppe


Im Anhang finden Sie eine kurze Anleitung in englischer Sprache, wie Sie sich einloggen und unsere Plattform nutzen können

Rechtsanwalt Zoran Miljakovic