COTP Newsletter No. 4

by | Nov 15, 2024 | NSSPV, Unions Market and others | 0 comments

Poštovani klijenti,


Želimo da vas obavestimo o aktuelnostima u vezi sa istragom protiv COTP platforme. Prikupili smo značajan broj prijava od oštećenih lica, koja su dostavila ključne dokaze i informacije. Trenutno smo u završnoj fazi izrade krivične prijave. 

Šta se dešava nakon podnošenja krivične prijave?

Nakon podnošenja krivične prijave, tužilaštvo preuzima slučaj i sprovodi istražne radnje. Istraga može obuhvatiti prikupljanje dodatnih dokaza, ispitivanje oštećenih i osumnjičenih, kao i međunarodnu saradnju za pribavljanje informacija iz inostranstva, jer su mnoga sredstva verovatno prebačena van zemlje.

Sam tok istrage zavisi od složenosti slučaja i količine dokaza, ali tužilaštvo ima ovlašćenje da preduzme sve potrebne zakonske mere kako bi se odgovorni procesuirali.

Važnost opreza pri investiranju

COTP prevara jasno ukazuje na to koliko su digitalne finansijske prevare danas postale sofisticirane. Prevaranti se služe tehnikama koje im omogućavaju da se predstave kao legitimne platforme, koristeći psihološke trikove i lažne informacije kako bi privukli investitore. Važno je da detaljno istražite svaku investicionu priliku, posebno kada platforme obećavaju visoke prinose za kratko vreme.

Naš tim ostaje posvećen borbi protiv ovakvih prevara i pruža podršku oštećenima. Ukoliko imate informacije ili sumnjate da ste žrtva ove prevare, pozivamo vas da nam se obratite radi dodatne pomoći i saveta.

Srdačan pozdrav,

Advokat Zoran Miljaković


COTP Newsletter No. 4

Dear Clients,

We would like to inform you about the latest developments regarding the investigation into the COTP platform. We have collected a significant number of reports from affected individuals who have provided crucial evidence and information. We are currently in the final stages of preparing the criminal complaint.

What happens after the criminal complaint is filed?

After the criminal complaint is filed, the prosecution will take over the case and conduct investigative actions. The investigation may include gathering additional evidence, questioning victims and suspects, as well as international cooperation to obtain information from abroad, as many funds were likely transferred outside the country

The course of the investigation depends on the complexity of the case and the amount of evidence, but the prosecution has the authority to take all necessary legal actions to ensure the responsible individuals are prosecuted.

The importance of caution when investing

The COTP scam clearly illustrates how sophisticated financial scams have become in the digital age. Fraudsters use techniques that allow them to present themselves as legitimate platforms, using psychological tricks and false information to lure investors. It is essential to thoroughly investigate any investment opportunity, especially when platforms promise high returns in a short period.

Our team remains dedicated to fighting against such scams and providing support to the victims. If you have any information or suspect that you have been a victim of this scam, we encourage you to contact us for further assistance and advice.

Kind regards

Zoran Miljakovic

Attorney at Law